Optimization recommendations of website
to reduce its carbon footprint
Greenoco does it for you!
Forget the analyses of each page and each ressource by hand, tables and the multitude of tools used. Thanks to the integration of web-performance algorithms, Greenoco identifies the economy of CO2 generated by each optimization.
Don’t change anything to the site,
only optimize the existing
Greenoco allows on average to identify 25% of website carbon footprint reductions, sometimes up to 70%, only by optimizing the ressources existing.
Contents don’t change, and the perceived quality either.
- Conserve your contents and features
- Conserve your platform or CMS of development
- Optimize the performance of your site: loading time, SEO, SEA
- High audience site, reduce your host costs
In a few minutes, you identify the optimizations to realize.
Identify the 10 optimizations
the most impactful
The sort allows then to present your the 10 main optimizations to realize in priority.
- Compression HTML
- Compression and minification CSS and JS
- Compression and resolution of images
- Extensions of fonts / typos
Your check list of optimizations is ready.
Identify all the possible optimizations
ranked by their type of file, and their carbon emission gains
Once the 10 first optimizations done, look at the following.
The optimizations tab has several sorts:
- All the optimizations
- By file typologie: HTML, CSS, JS, Fonts, Images, Videos, Others
A synthetic view allows to identify the type of ressources presenting the most important potential of reduction.
Optimize each page of the website
depending on the eco-score and the analysis targeted
The view page per page provides a synthetic view on the eco-score of each page analyzed, and additional informations to facilitate optimization.
- Weight of the page in Kb and distribution of ressources
- Number of server requests
- Optimizations ranked according to 4 categories: compression, minification, fonts, images
You quickly identify the most consuming ressources, and the most important optimizations to realize to reduce the carbon footprint of your website.
A new audit to validate your optimizations
and your new eco-score
The optimizations are realized? You want tot know the new result?
Empty the the site cache (it’s important), and start a new audit. You’ll get:
- New analysis of carbon footprint of site
- New eco-score (the badge is automatically updated)
- Economy of CO2 realized over a slippery year
- New optimization recommendations, and new potential of reduction.
if the economy of emissions are weak, so they’re less urgent.
Saving less than 1g of CO2 is not “cost-effective” in terms of the environment. Indeed, the time a computer takes to make it will consume more energy than the energy consumption avoided on the site server.
You have just optimised the performance of your website
in loading time, SEO, SEA
By reducing the carbon emissions of a website, you have just improve its performances.
These are the additional benefits of the approach.
- Reduction in loading time of pages
- Improvement of natural reference SEO
- Reduction of costs of paid Search and Display campaigns
- Better accessibility to the site in the areas with low coverage
- Better rate of transformation in e-commerce
What about the rebound? If a site generates more traffic because it’s better referenced? Maybe it will pollutes more?
It’s true. But this audience is captured at the expense of other websites, certainly less responsible.