of Greenoco’s platform

With Greenoco, you will be able to measure the CO2 emissions of your websites.  
You could also identify the optimizations to reduce this digital footprint, and track those emissions over time.

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the carbon emissions of your websites

The first feature of Greenoco is to be able to calculates the CO2 emissions of a website. 

How do we do this? Thanks to an algorithm specifically developed, we take into account the audience of each page of a website, analyse the loaded contents and requests generated by those pages, and calculate then an estimation of the consumed electricity by the data center of your host. 

By filling your host and the country in which is located the data center, we can then calculate the carbon footprint of each page, and so for the whole website. 

réduire empreinte carbone site web


the website eco-score

To allow comparison between sites, and to promote the digital sobriety, we have built a website eco-score. 

This eco-score is made from the analysis of more than 400 websites, of all kind. Great e-commerce sites, or local e-commerce, news websites, showcase sites and corporates, blogs, institutional or associative sites, we sought to take into account the widest possible spectrum of sites, representative of frequent uses.

Nous avons ensuite répartis ces sites web selon une échelle allant de A (pour les sites les plus vertueux, soit en France émettant moins de 0,31g de CO2 par page vue), à G (pour les sites les plus consommateurs d’énergie, soit plus de 2g de CO2 par page vue)

audit préconisations optimisations site web


the emissions by identifying the optimizations 

Greenoco integrates a web-performance solution allowing to identify the optimizations feasible on the site. Without changing the web-design, o-features or contents.  

Simply by identifying the files that can be optimized, without loss in visible quality. Greenoco identifies images that can be optimized, typography on voluminous files format, and the possible compression and minimisation of CSS, HTML and JS.  

Each optimization is quantified according to the economy of CO2 realized, and ranked. This allows you then to realize the most important optimizations in priority to reduce the carbon emissions of your websites. 


History and monitoring

of the CO2 emissions

Measure and reduce the carbon emissions of websites, this is good. Monitoring them, it’s way better!

By realizing this monitoring, you could work in the long-term for the digital sobriety, and always optimize a bit more your site or platform web. 

The history features allow you to track these overall CO2 émissions of your websites over time, and the emissions per page viewed.

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Go for Greenoco!

act for a greener web!

Now that you are convinced, you just have to start!
Choose the subscription corresponding to your need on our page “Offers and tariffs”, then create your account on the platform. 
You could then easily save your first site, and stratégique and audit on your first URLs.  

Opt for a respectful digital of the environment, and the performance of websites improved.  

audit carbone site web

Reduce the footprint
of your website

The audit solution to measure and reduce
the carbon footprint of your websites.