CSR charter
and responsible digital
Greenoco allows to measure and reduce the CO2 emissions of websites.
Bur our engagements in favor of a bigger digital sobriety and of a responsible digital don’t stop there.
Discover below our main engagements.
![charte RSE startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/charte-RSE-startup.png)
![raison être société impact startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/raison-etre-societe-impact-startup.png)
Purpose of the society
an impact business mission
The purpose of Greenoco is to develop tools allowing to reduce the environmental impact of digital uses. The whole company activity is oriented for this purpose.
The carbon footprint reduction of Greenoco clients websites is one of the key indicators of the company’s performance.
We are optimizing digital tools to limit their impacts and their consumptions:
- By reducing the electric consumption of digital communication tools, by the optimization of transferred data and the eco-conception.
- By taking into account the complete life cycle of equipments and softwares, serving the energy transition.
We are engaged in responsible and ethical digital practices:
- By deploying and valuing the CSR approach to all collaborators.
- By communicating in pedagogically on the impacts of digital uses on the external audience.
![politique données responsable startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/politique-donnees-responsable-startup.png)
Data policy
keep only the essential
We are engaged in a responsible data collection policy:
- By only collecting the useful and necessary data to users service, in order to limit risks in matters of privacy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- By only collecting the necessary data to the implementation of digital eco-design tools, minimizing environmental impacts of storage and data treatment.
- By staying innovative in the use of new tools to collect data and ensure their analysis with transparency and visibility.
![politique RSE startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/politique-rse-startup.png)
CSR approach
an approach in agreement with our values
We are engaged to favorise the emergence of behaviours and values:
- By following the performance and conformity indicators to reach CSR objectives.
- By offering areas for improving practices, internally and externally.
We are engaged in the development of services offers accessible for all, inclusive and sustainable:
- By developing pricing offers accessible to all
- By developing a free offer under condition to allow to each to reduce the pollution tied to digital.
![politique achats responsables startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/politique-achat-responsable-startup.png)
Responsible purchasing policy
to reduce our CO2 emissions and impact at source
- We generalize a responsible purchase approach, by focusing as soon as possible short circuits and the consideration of environmental and societal criteria in our purchasing policy
- We adapt our IT equipment fleet taking into account sustainable, reduction of electric consumption, and life cycle criteria. Materials are so used for at least 5 years.
- We prefer reconditioned computer equipment, reducing our carbon footprint and the pressure on the extraction of natural resources and the degradation of natural areas.
- We use repackaged print toners
![réduction émissions CO2 startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/reduction-emissions-co2-startup.png)
Reduction of our own carbon emissions
by focusing on the most virtuous solutions
- Soft modes of transport are focused and supported by the company. Public transport, cycling and walking are preferred for everyday travel.
- We focus on talking in visio in the context of our commercial exchanges, in order to reduce the emissions tied to transport. If it’s not possible, we focus on transportation by train.
- We limit the impressions to the bare minimum necessary.
![compensation carbone startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/compensation-carbone-startup.png)
Carbon compensation policy
to compensate what we can reduce
We offset our own carbon emissions by participating to the carbon offset local project financing, related to biodiversity, and the actors of the territory.
Our first project of carbon offset allows to plant 150 m linear of agricultural hedges within a closed hovel, in the country of Caux (Normandie). This project will have several missions: improve the stabilization and water retention in the soil, provide a varied habitat for biodiversity, promote the conservation of a local agricultural and natural heritage, and promote exchanges between the agricole and company’s world. It will allows the captation of 15 Tons equivalent CO2 in 25 years, and is completed by a complementary offset project of 15 T abroad.
Greenoco measures its carbon emissions every year, in order to participate other projects of carbon contribution all along the increasing of our own emissions.
![politique rh et qiualité de vie au travail startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/politique-rh-qualite-vie-travail-startup.png)
HR and Quality of Work Life Policy
our first capital is human
HR and parity policy:
- Recruitment of trainees and alternants who can be converted into contracts in order to retain employees
- Equal pay and equal competence between men and women in the firm
- Employees are taken into account for company’s decisions.
- We are engaged in a struggling approach against discrimination. Recruitments and evolutions of carrier will be conditioned only by the skills and commitments of employees. In no case religion, social origin or geographic, or personal conviction and policies engagements criteria could interfere with these elements.
Quality of Work Life:
- Autonomy, trust and kindness between collaborators are an integral part of rules of the company operation.
- Training are offered to teams and financed depending to identified needs.
- Collaborative seminars and exchange moments are organized to favorize the collective dynamic and enhance the employees expertise.
- Exchange moments and knowledge sharing are organized at the initiative of the team.
- The context of work is organized to ensure the health and well-being of employees: ergonomics of workstations, catering and rest areas.
![politique engagements externes startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/politique-engagements-externes-rse-startup.png)
External engagements policy
to contribute helping those who want it
- The company will participate in the association support we care about, by skills sponsorship, or services sponsorship.
- Depending on situations, we can decide to help companies to realize their CSR objectives at high cost. Thus, we can for example propose to associations working for the preservation of biodiversity to carry out a free audit of their website, and to accompany them to reduce the carbon emissions of their website.
![rejoindre greenoco startup](https://greenoco.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/rejoindre-greenoco-startup.png)
Join the Greenoco’s mouvement
to act right now for tomorrow’s world
Greenoco was born form the idea of reducing digital carbon footprint. After developing many websites, we ask ourselves how to measure and reduce the footprint of our sites.
Not finding a tool, we have created it. But this one needs many skills: developers, communicators, sales people, acquisition and SEO experts, …
You want to participate in the project? Contact us!