Advertisers, brands, e-commerce sites
and communities/institutions

How can advertisers act for a digital more responsible?
73% of consumers are more loyal to brands acting in a responsible approach.

If you edit one ore many websites, offer digital services less energy consuming, without modifying your contents, platform, and features. We’ll tell you how.

charte RSE startup
calculer empreinte carbone site web

Calculate and reduce the carbon emissions of websites 

in a few minutes only

With Greenoco, automatically calculate and in a few minutes the carbon footprint of a website.
After an analysis of every page, of their audience, and their performance, you will get more recommendations to reduce this carbon footprint.

  • Realization of audits in a few minutes
  • Recommendations of optimizations qualified and quantified
  • Reduction of loading time
  • Improvement of the site SEO 
  • Improvement of the ROI of SEA campaigns. 

Getting a good eco-score? You will even be able to integrate it into your communication, without greenwashing.

réduire émissions carbone site internet

Optimize the performance of your sites

in loading time, SEO, ROI of SEA campaigns. 

By realizing the offered optimizations by Greenoco, you reduce the loaded resources on your site, without modifying the contents or the perceived quality of the visuals. Thus you reduce the consumed energy, but this has other positive effects. 

  • Reduction of pages loading time
  • Improvement of the natural reference, the loading time being taken into account by search engines
  • Reduction of CPC and CPM of your Display digital advertising campaigns 
  • Improvement of transformation rates e-commerce
  • Better accessibility to website, even with a low connexion (rural areas for example)

Whether or not you are convinced of the approach, we think to have now your attention. 

communiquer eco score site web

Present and value

the eco-conception approach of your internet sites 

You have optimized your website with Greenoco, and its eco-score is now satisfying?
Integrate the eco-score badge of Greenoco in the footer of your site, or somewhere else.

  • 8 webdesigns for an easier integration
  • Synthetic report of the eco-score linked to the au badge
  • Strengthening customer loyalty
  • Positive engagement communicated to your clients on one of your communication supports the most visited 

Your commitment for a responsible digital will not go unnoticed.
And for us, whether you do so with conviction or for other purposes, this would have contributed to the reduction of digital carbon footprint.

nouvelles prestations agences web ecoconception

Ask your web agency and SEO agency 

to use Greenoco to optimize your performance

You don’t develop your sites, or a web agency is responsible for it? Your SEO and SEA campaigns are outsourced?
No problem, we mostly work with agencies and IT consultants.
Ask your service providers to contact us.

  • Specific subscriptions for agencies
  • Controlled pricing thanks to our billing model
  • An important ROI for you and your providers
  • A relationship rewarded with audit credits offered
  • Business training to responsible digital for agencies unformed to the good practices

The approach of the responsible digital is new. It is so understanding that your providers are not formed to this.
But together, we can bring them into this new era.

agence web éco conception partenariat

Find web agencies, SEO agencies, consultants

on the directory of Greenoco’s partners 

Redesign or new website design project ?  SEO /SEA campaigns, or of carbon balance?
You want a service in line with your values, and engaged in a digital responsible?

Contact us to tell us your request, we direct you for free through Greenoco’s partners that can answer your needs. Or, consult the partnership directory.

  • Agencies in web eco-design
  • Optimizations agencies of websites
  • SEO  / SEA Agencies
  • Carbon balance experts
  • Trainers / Facilitators

Your current provider does not want to evolve in your approach?
It’s no big deal, others already do it very well, and we accompany you to find them.

politique rh et qualité de vie au travail startup

For the advertisers integrating a digital service

our agency offers are also available

You have structured an internal development and digital department?
We support your collaborators taking control of the platform through business training.

An operation and a simple pricing:

  • A susbcription of 20 € excl. tax/m to access all features (or 216 € excl. tax/year)
  • A usage based-billing: 1 URL audited = 1 credit consumed
  • Credit packages with decreasing tariffs
  • Professional training for collaborators (OPCO / Qualiopi support)
  • An affiliation code for audit credits offered in case of recommendation

With this model, you win in performance and in productivity on your websites, SEO, and SEA optimizations.
While developing a digital more responsible.